What to Wear to a Ball: Fashion Tips for Formal Events

Article published at: Dec 29, 2023 Article tag: Party
What to Wear to a Ball: Fashion Tips for Formal Events
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Receiving an invite to an elegant ball may be a cause for excitement and celebration!

However, those emotions may turn to feelings of intimidation as you consider what to wear to a ball. If this is the first ball you’ve ever attended, you may worry about putting together an outfit that makes the right impression on your hosts.

This is completely understandable. Luckily, deciding what to wear to a ball doesn’t have to be challenging. Keep the following tips in mind, and you’ll find that choosing an outfit for the occasion is a genuinely enjoyable experience.

How to Decide What to Wear to a Ball

General recommendations when choosing an outfit for a ball include the following:

Check for a Dress Code

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It’s not uncommon for an invitation to a ball to include information regarding the dress code. Check your invitation for these details. If you find them, you won’t have to worry as much about whether an outfit you choose is appropriate.

Be aware that the invitation itself might not offer this info, but you may find it elsewhere. Perhaps the event has its own website or a page within a site. If so, you might find information about the dress code here. The venue itself may even have a dress code that applies across all events.

You may also reach out directly to the hosts. Depending on how well you know the host, they may reply in a timely enough manner to let you know what you should and should not wear to their event.

Ask Others What They’re Wearing

Maybe you don’t know the hosts of an upcoming ball well enough to connect with them about the dress code. Sometimes, formal events such as these have large numbers of guests. Not all of them will have a close personal relationship with the parties organizing the event.

However, you might know other guests. Some of them may be people you believe would have a good idea about what you should and should not wear if they know the hosts well or are familiar with the venue. Asking them for suggestions is always an option when you can’t speak with the hosts directly.

Check the Time of the Event

A simple way to get a better sense of what the dress code for a ball or gala may be is to consider when the event takes place. Often, an event that primarily takes place in the afternoon and early evening won’t be as formal as one that takes place at night.

Accounting for when the event takes place may also help you decide what types of colors to include in your outfit. Blacks and dark colors are often ideal for the formality of a nighttime ball. If you’ll be attending a ball during the afternoon, you’re better off sticking with light colors.

Keep It Formal

You might not be able to get any official dress code information in time to choose your outfit. In this case, it’s best to err on the side of caution and assume that the dress code will be relatively formal. That tends to be the case at most events that qualify as balls, galas, and similar occasions.

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A formal full-length dress or a ball gown are typically safe choices for a ball depending on how formal the event is. Just remember, safe doesn’t need to mean boring! For example, a stunning velvet gown with sequins might technically qualify as formal enough for a ball, while still looking vibrant enough for a runway.

It’s also worth noting that what we generally consider to be “formal” has changed somewhat over time. You don’t always need to wear a traditional full-length dress when attending a ball. A high-slit gown is another option to consider. Use your judgment to determine whether you think the host would find such a dress acceptable.

Various styles of evening dress may also be perfect for a ball or other such event. Generally, your dress or gown should not end above the knee.

You might account for your height when choosing a dress or gown length. Someone taller may feel more comfortable in a full-length dress. If you’re shorter, you may find something that doesn’t extend all the way down to your feet feels better on you.

Styling Tips for Your Formal Outfit

Whether you’re still in the research process or you’ve already selected your outfit, here are some tips to take your look to the next level.

Consider an A-Line Look

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If you’re still thinking about your look, you can’t go wrong with an A-line dress. Your goal when choosing what to wear to a ball isn’t necessarily just to choose an outfit that aligns with the event’s dress code. That’s important, yes, but it’s not the only factor you may consider when putting an outfit together.

You also want to choose an outfit that is right for your body type. If you’re not sure where to start, consider an A-line silhouette dress. This type of silhouette tends to flatter most body shapes and brings the formality necessary for a black tie dress code.

That’s not to suggest an A-line is the only silhouette that’s right for such an occasion. As always, you must also be certain your dress is formal enough for a ball.

Don’t Make Too Much of a Statement

There’s nothing wrong with dressing to impress when choosing what to wear to a ball! In fact, a ball is exactly the type of occasion that gives you an opportunity to wear a stunning outfit you may rarely get to rock in other settings.

That said, a ball likely isn’t the right time to wear something with a flashy design or loud colors. Aiming for sophisticated simplicity is key when dressing for such events.

Bring a Matching Clutch

A clutch is virtually a must-have accessory when attending a ball. If it matches or complements the rest of your outfit, even better. Having a clutch on hand will allow you to easily and conveniently store any items you might need to bring along.

Choose the Right Footwear

Naturally, your footwear should blend in appropriately with the rest of your outfit. When choosing what to wear to a ball, it’s also wise to exclude any open-toed footwear options. It’s unlikely that any open-toed shoe will be formal enough for a typical ball’s dress code.

You may also decide to wear tights. If tights are part of your outfit, make sure your shoes match.

Choose the Right Jacket

Consider bringing a light formal jacket or other garment when deciding what to wear to a ball. Bringing such an item along may be a smart decision if the ball is at night or if at least part of the event will involve spending time outdoors in a cold climate.

The color and general style of the jacket should match the rest of the outfit as much as possible. It should look like a natural component of the outfit when you wear it over the dress. Importantly, it should never extend further than your knees. If it does, it may compete with the dress for attention instead of highlighting its beauty.

Remember Your Hair and Makeup!

You could spend so much time choosing what to wear to a ball that you forget about the importance of styling your hair and makeup for the occasion.

Luckily, you don’t have to get too complicated when doing your hair and makeup for a ball. The same look that you might choose for a wedding or even a high school prom could be perfectly appropriate for a ball or gala.

That said, you may want to get a little creative when styling your hair, makeup, or both. Consider putting together your entire outfit first if so. When you know precisely what you’ll be wearing to a ball, you can more confidently decide how other aspects of your appearance should look.

What to Wear to a Ball 101: How a Black Tie Dress Code Can Help

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Once again, not every ball has an official dress code. You may default to a black tie dress code if the event you’re attending doesn’t have a specific dress code of its own.

Additional tips for guests of events with black tie dress codes include:

  • Floor length remains best for a black tie affair. As mentioned earlier, if the dress code is a little more lax, you can possibly get away with a shorter dress or gown if it still covers the knees. However, if you want to play it as safe as possible, remember that black tie always calls for full-length.
  • Emphasize formality when choosing every component of your outfit. A gorgeous and formal dress may not make the impression you think it should if the jewelry or shoes you wear with it are gaudy or casual.
  • Know if any colors are off-limits based on the nature of the event. You likely already know that you can’t wear white (or anything resembling it!) to a wedding. If you know what the bridal party is wearing, avoid wearing that color as well unless you’re a member of the bridal party.
  • When choosing jewelry or styling your makeup, choose a single feature to emphasize. Options include lips, eyes, and even hair. If you only emphasize one feature, you may find it’s easier to achieve an impressive effect without breaking the formality rule.
  • Try to stick with elegant fabrics if you have the option of doing so. Velvet, lace, and similar fabrics tend to be acceptable choices for black tie events.

Not all balls and galas have black tie dress codes. However, when you don’t have much more information about the dress code for a formal event, assuming that it’s black tie is generally safe.

Other Clues for What to Wear to a Gala

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Various clues can give you a sense of how formal a ball’s dress code may be if you can’t get this information from the host.

Consider the following:

How the Host Sent the Invitation

How did you learn the host invited you to attend their event? Did they send a physical invitation on a relatively thick card with elegant typography? If so, it’s likely the event’s dress code is quite formal. Stick with a full-length gown in this scenario.

On the other hand, maybe someone invited you to a ball via social media, email, or other such digital means. Unless another source contradicts this, there’s a good chance the event won’t be quite as formal as other balls if you received a digital invite.

You can still dress as you would for a black tie event in this case. However, you might also be able to get away with slightly more casual attire, like a cocktail dress.

Pictures From Past Events

Has the host organized balls or similar events in the past? Try to find photos of these events if so. They may be able to provide you with information about the dress code for this event.

Or, you could check the venue’s website and social media pages for pictures from events others have held at said venue. If the dress code appears to be the same from one event to another, these pictures may let you know how the host expects you to dress.

The Guest List

You may be able to secure a copy of the guest list for an upcoming ball. Refer to it when deciding what to wear to a ball if so.

Maybe the guest list indicates guests of varying ages and demographics will be in attendance. In this case, wearing primarily formal attire is safest. A more casual look may work if most guests will be young.

Choosing What to Wear for a Ball Shouldn’t Be a Chore

Don’t stress when choosing an outfit for a ball! As these tips make clear, putting together an appropriate outfit for a formal event could be relatively easy.

When you narrow down your options and begin finalizing your outfit, you’ll likely discover the process is actually exciting.