Las Vegas Outfit Ideas: What to Wear in Vegas

Las Vegas is among the world’s most glamorous destinations. When visiting Sin City, you want to be confident you’ve dressed appropriately.

The following guide will help. If you’re not sure what to wear in Vegas, these Las Vegas outfit ideas will offer helpful inspiration as you begin packing.

Consider the Season When Choosing Daily Outfits

Stunning onlookers by stepping out onto the casino floor in a gorgeous outfit that belongs on a runway is one of the joys of visiting a city like Las Vegas. Again, a trip to Vegas offers you the chance to indulge in a little bit of glamor. Make the most out of your visit by packing outfits you might rarely get the opportunity to sport in other situations.

However, you also need to consider that you may need comfortable outfits for days when you’ll be walking around. Be sure to account for the seasons when choosing tops.

Stick with lightweight options like crop tops and blouses. They tend to be ideal most of the year. Of course, you should always bring at least a light coat or jacket in case temperatures drop at night.

Las Vegas rarely gets very cold. However, according to, temperatures can drop to the high 30s in December and January. If you’re visiting during the colder months of the year, pack sweaters or other long-sleeve tops to avoid being uncomfortable.

Keep this point in mind when choosing dresses as well! If you’re visiting during the warmer times of the year, which is most of the year in Vegas, consider wearing dresses that fit somewhat loosely. During the winter months, tighter-fitting fabric can keep you warmer.

(Extra tip: It can get colder than expected on some casino floors. When dressing for the night, consider bringing along something you could throw over your top that will keep you warm while complementing your outfit.)

Start With a Cocktail Dress

As TripSavvy points out, the dress code across Las Vegas hotels, resorts, and casinos tends to remain casual during the day. Depending on the setting, it may become more formal at night.

That said, every resort and venue has its own dress code and attire requirements. Research the policies of the spots you’ll be hitting and staying at if you have any questions about whether your outfits will be acceptable.

Many Las Vegas outfit ideas start with cocktail dresses. If you don’t know what to wear in Vegas, a cocktail dress with an elegant pattern reminiscent of Vegas’s own look could be an option that makes the right impression throughout your stay.

Experiment With Silhouettes

When choosing dresses to pack for Las Vegas outfit ideas, consider the types of silhouettes that may help you achieve your desired look.

Rompers are very popular in Vegas. A romper tends to look appealing on almost any body type. On top of that, rompers are almost always in style and can make the right impression in many different environments. 

A jumpsuit is another option to consider. Like a romper, a jumpsuit boasts a versatile silhouette that makes it a smart choice for many body types. You might also find that walking around Las Vegas in a jumpsuit is more comfortable than wearing a traditional dress throughout the entire evening.

Think about packing a one shoulder style dress if you’d prefer to wear something with a touch of elegance. Just remember, people will rarely be too surprised to find that someone is wearing an attention-grabbing outfit in Vegas. If you want to experiment with more unique silhouettes, a trip to Vegas is a good time to do so.

Bring Along Something Bold

You may be the type who enjoys wearing a striking dress or other such eye-catching garment when the opportunity to do so arises. Unfortunately, these opportunities might not come along as frequently as you wish.

A trip to Vegas offers you the chance to let your inner fashion model shine. Remember, people visiting Las Vegas come from all walks of life. Thus, the fashion trends and styles on display at a typical Vegas casino or resort can be wide-ranging. In this type of setting, you could easily get away with wearing an outfit that might otherwise be too bold for everyday life.

One example for a Las Vegas outfit idea would be a formal dress in a noticeable color like red or pink. Something that highlights your beauty while still being tasteful, like a strapless corset gown, may be ideal for a night out.

Don’t Forget Swimwear!

If you’re researching “Las Vegas outfit ideas” or “what to wear in Vegas,” you may primarily be looking for information about the types of outfits you should put together for nights out.

Whether you’re spending a night at the casino or attending one of Sin City’s many live performances, you want to strike the ideal balance between comfort, elegance, and fun.

That said, many of the hotels and resorts in Vegas also boast gorgeous pools to lounge in between trips out. Pack swimwear accordingly. 

Pack at Least One Formal Dress

It’s true that dress codes and expectations throughout Vegas are often casual. That said, there may be instances when it makes sense to dress formally. Certain resorts and venues may even require formal wear for specific activities.

Bring at least one formal dress when coming up with Las Vegas outfit ideas. Although Vegas definitely welcomes bright colors and intricate designs, you may want to choose a dress of a solid color if you’re not exactly sure where you’ll wear it. A solid-color formal dress may be a versatile garment that could be ideal for a variety of settings and contexts.

Step Back in Time With a Prom Dress

There are no rules in Vegas! Okay, that’s not entirely true. Every destination has rules, certainly, and breaking them is never a wise idea.

However, when choosing what to wear in Vegas, it can be freeing to remember that you’re vacationing in an environment where people expect others to have fun and defy convention at times.

You don’t have to wear an over-the-top outfit that you would otherwise never be seen in to embrace the fun and freedom that a Vegas trip offers.

Instead, you could simply opt to wear a prom dress, even if high school was long ago. A glitzy prom dress could be the perfect option if you want to be a little playful with your fashion choices while still being stylish.

Consider Activewear Outfits

You may already think to pack activewear if you’re the type of traveler who makes use of a hotel’s fitness center. That said, Vegas can offer access to other fitness opportunities you might not have considered.

Las Vegas may not be famous as a hiking destination. Nevertheless, according to Vegas Magazine, the city and its surrounding areas are home to a number of trails. Pack accordingly if you plan on checking them out during your stay.

Protecting as much of your skin from the sun as possible should be your goal when choosing activewear garments. However, you may understandably feel you’ll get too warm hiking in long sleeves and pants.

Be prepared to apply sunblock to exposed areas if your outfit doesn’t offer full coverage. Be sure to pack a hat and/or sunglasses to protect your eyes as well!

Leave Room for Denim

Denim may not be the flashiest material on the planet. Odds are you won’t be incorporating much denim into your outfits when you hit the town at night in Vegas.

(Although you may find unique ways to do so! If you think you can make denim more stylish, let your creativity roam free).

That doesn’t mean you should leave all your denim garments at home when packing for a Las Vegas trip. Specifically, you may decide to bring a pair of denim shorts. They may be the perfect option to help you remain comfortable while walking around Las Vegas during the day.

Consider a Couture Option

Putting together your dream outfit for a Las Vegas trip is much easier when you work with a professional to customize garments and outfit ideas.

Will going the couture route may cost a little more than putting together an outfit consisting of garments that already exist? Perhaps. That said, if you can spare the cash, hiring someone to put together a custom garment or outfit on your behalf may be the most effective way to assemble the perfect outfit for your trip.

Pack Multiple Pairs of Shoes

You may be doing a lot of walking during any vacation. In the case of a Vegas trip, you may also spend long periods of time on your feet. 

Remember this when packing footwear. Your goal is to make sure you have shoes that will be comfortable and appropriate for all the activities you plan to participate in.

More Tips for Las Vegas Outfit Ideas

The above suggestions may help you more comfortably determine what types of clothes to pack for your trip to Vegas. Other tips to keep in mind include:

  • Make a List of Your Chosen Activities: Make a list of any activities you may know you’ll be participating in when visiting Las Vegas. Naturally, you should pack outfits for all these activities. If you have room, you may also list activities that you hope to fit into your schedule. Consider what types of outfits would be appropriate for these activities as well.
  • Bring Light-Colored Clothing for Daytime: You may feel comfortable experimenting with various colors and shades when choosing outfits to wear in Las Vegas at night. During the day, though, it’s often best to wear light colors whenever possible. With the hot sun beating down on you, you’ll be glad you chose garments that reflect the sun’s light instead of absorbing it.
  • Choose the Right Accessories: Your accessories can transform your outfit while also serving practical purposes. While the right accessories for one outfit may not be ideal for another, accessories everyone should pack when heading to Vegas include sunglasses, a hat, and a bag.

In addition, don’t just account for fashion and style when deciding what to pack for Vegas. You also need to consider the practical realities of spending your trip walking around a city in a warm climate.

Consider packing such items as the following:

  • A compact and refillable water bottle
  • Travel-size sunblock you can keep on you at all times
  • A portable charger for your phone so you don’t run out of juice in the middle of the city
  • Hand sanitizer

It’s also vital to make sure you’ll always have a place to keep your ID on hand. You don’t want someone to deny you access to a resort, casino, or bar because you’re unable to prove your age.

What to Wear in Vegas: Ready for Your Big Trip!

Hopefully, this guide has helped you begin to plan what you’ll wear during your trip to Vegas. The main point to remember is not to stress about this.

In Las Vegas, almost anything goes fashion-wise. Having that degree of freedom makes choosing outfits not only easy, but fun!